November 21, 2013


近期的自己只能用一个字来形容 : 懒
我懒惰的程度已经是极限了 无人能敌。然而 考试也渐渐的快要画上句点了,我还是希望接下来的几颗都可以顺顺利利 拜托别再像 Moral 那样毁了我的 A's ._.
前几月的日子都算是过得平平有淡淡,我努力的这段期间,每个人都看在眼里 虽然不清晰 但也算是刻苦,他带给我的伤害让我懂得了成长。就因为如此我才变得不再轻易信任,也不再容易接受别人对我的好,对不起那些一直对我好却不断被拒绝的人,对不起一直疏远那些尝试想要靠近我的人。

June 25, 2013

Hey guys! :)

Hey guys, long time didn't blogger cause lazy&don't know what to write. This post is going to tell about how my recently life, hmmm so start from my scout camp which was passed over 1month ago. Be taught so much of things through this camp, i realized that it's not easy to build a camp, we must have teamwork but i think we didn't know these before our camp, we quarreled with these stupids little matters for so many times, we don't even believe each others sometimes, however we finally done to made that even it's really not easy at all or i called it as HARD.

Le scout members. Thanks for you guys attended for those 3days, we're very appreciate it! :D some more I had my super meaningful holidays with them, thanks for you guys light up my life :D tehee

I will be more busy after this camp cause my other camp is coming very soon and i be the important position in the camp, this camp totally make me disappointed, so much of problems appear even this camp doesn't start yet, super worry about it. Can you feel me? exhaust. :( Speechless part ever! haih
btw, stop it and continue another, tomorrow is hari sukan for my school, and i'm also take part some competition :(  so nervous, nobody can understand how my feeling now, whatever, i will try to enjoy it cause this is the last year for every activity, I'M FORM FIVE NOW! hmm, seriously i hate form 5's life super much, full of folios are around me, never stop to alert me everydays fxxk this shit.
So that my trial exam is around the corner, my lazy attitude still doesn't change it, HEY SILUAN, THE SAME MISTAKES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. CHANGEEEEEEEE PLSSSSSSS. Goodbye everyone! I'll be update after my trail exam.

March 01, 2013

Hello form5.

Hello form5, wth I can't imagine how suffer in this year, our first test left 2days! 
No wonder, everyday studies til midnight, no complaint cause SPM is coming very soon. *FML

Busy capture before study, so this was the face when i'm waiting people. 
 Okay lah, Idk since when i like to study even nobody force me, hmm example like my sister. -.-
it's too much of subject&topic have to study, include form4 one. Form4 was my *honeymoon*, everyday drama fever, facebook, twitter. Internet is the killer to make me die T.T! I think i can study well if without these HAHAHA XD! 
 Seventeen, super duper bad luck of age for me,
 I lost lot of friends, they leave and they force me to grow up, even that was really feel pain at all, but I did, I tried to be more mature than before always tell myself stop to being fool to believe them again. There is no more time to over think ady, fight for SPM, fight for everything! Wish me dream come true. xoxo 

January 23, 2013


我很在乎但是从来都没开口, 我很介意但是我清楚我没资格, 虽然你语气再告诉我你并没有那个意思, 但是这不就是婉转的告诉我爱情在你心中才是重要的吗?
 老实说, 我真的不容易打开心门接受人 曾经的背叛至今仍无法释怀, 现在又再次的伤害我何尝不难过? 我只是选择不开口诉说而已。既然对你们来说 爱情是重要的, 那么我也只好看开, 毕竟我没有改变事实的能力, 事情发生了始终是发生了。
只是我真的需要时间 ...
我把太多心思放在友谊上了, 我曾经认为朋友被家人还重要, 可能我真的错了
为了这几段友谊 我哭了几次我也数不清, 我想你们永远都不知道那种开会哭 上课哭 走在路上也哭的感受吧?
对于友情, 我深深的感到疲倦了, 谢谢又出现一个让我体会到心痛和友情脆弱的所谓的好朋友。
好吧, 尽情的哭吧 把以前快乐不快乐的回忆都哭光, 让一切从此归零, 谢谢这一切的出现使我曾经美好。

November 19, 2012

Officially 16, Lol

Belated post for my birthday and thanks all my friends. 

都不知道为什么大家要隐瞒我庆祝地点到我生日当天要出门的前一刻才知道在哪里,好过分yohh == 最后决定去 @火辣辣 庆祝 

Outfit of the day. :)

Bighead the first, tell me why you don't like to take picture with anyone even I'm the birthday's girl! Hello, you can't fight with me when my birthday kay, you should hear me! tehee, whatever, i'm really thanks you to planed my birthday's party, i knew sometimes you planed until pekchek cause of some issues and some people! So what, they didn't want to coordinate with you just let them la, nobody cares included me =.= Lol. I love you most and very appreciate of our friendship! Once again, thanks you! :D

The second one, karming! the one who always cheers me up, bully me, cares of me! Thanks your birthdays present, super gamdong TT, and i wonder why we didn't take photo together on that day, lol regret lot zz! And please don't keep be the last people who wished me every year sienz la like that hahaha! Whatever, love you deep deep and good luck for your stpm :)

*ignore my messy hair gosh*
Ahwen, besties, but you're the most heartless one! Always forgot my birthday T.T don't know since when we both good as sister, but sometimes when you hang-out bohjio really super duper behcham! Also the one who always cheer me up and believing me, thanks you! We seems like long times didn't pillow-talks ady, miss it much! Whatever, our friendship never ever end right?!! muacks muacks :P

Pf limmmmmmmm, muahaha! sista, the one who always gave me opinion of shirt shoes and others! We love to talking about our clothing style, emo and cried together when singing and my very first hobby is raped her, hahahaha!!! Thanks you, and why I haven't receive my birthday's present?!!!!!!

Emo girl, thanks you for contact people on that day, and please don't always emo without reason kay!! =.= I'll always remember the song which named 我爱的人!! be strong la don't always cried when heard this song Lol. I will sing that song and upload to soundcloud one day muahahaha!!

Woots, doraemon is love!!!!! Thanks lotttttt I love it :D 

Thanks you dage, the very first time you bought me a birthday's cake, APPRECIATE. lol hahahaha 

And last, thanks you guys who help me to celebrated my birthday! 
=.= specially thanks you the people who fetch me to went there and back home, my super best friends, friendship forever. :D 
难忘的生日回忆,是你们给我的 谢谢,那些惊喜等以后你们生日我会一个个还给你们的放心muahaha! Happy birthdays, i'm officially 16 now! still very young Lol.

Stand By Me ♥